”we exist to create unity through worship to the audience of one - Jesus”

First, we endeavor to keep worship simple. We believe when it comes to true and pure worship, it is all about HIM, an audience of One. In John 4, Jesus tells us that God is seeking worshippers. Not just worship, but it’s more about the heart, the person that He is seeking. We endeavor to provide an excellent place and atmosphere for people to come and pursue God.

Secondly, we love the body of Christ. We endeavor to emphasize the truth that the body of Christ includes all believers, regardless of what background or denomination they might come from. We desire to see the church coming together in unity, setting aside differences, and focusing on one thing, and that is the only One who is worthy of all of our love and devotion: Jesus.

Our community is a group of Christ followers who are passionate about leading others into the Presence of God through music and worship. Each of our team members has a unique gift, talent and style that is used to glorify God at all of our events and meetings.

Our community is made up of people who go to many different churches in the Tulsa area, representing not just one local church, but the entire body of Christ.